
周 : 29 4月, 2024

日期 收盘价 交易量 分拆后经调整因子 开盘价 当日最高价 当日最低价
29 4月, 2024 $40.04 3,772,009 1:1 $39.81 $40.31 $39.71



数据由Refinitiv提供。 至少延迟15分钟。

备注: 收盘价、当日最高价、当日最低价和日成交量均已调整,以反映自上述日期以来该证券可能发生的任何股票分拆和/或股息。实际价格未因分拆或股息而调整。分拆后经调整因子是一个累积因子,它涵盖了自上述日期以来的所有分拆。 以上收盘价不一定代表未来股价表现。


The Closing Price, Day's High, Day's Low, and Day's Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown above. The Actual Price is not adjusted for splits or dividends. The Split Adjustment Factor is a cumulative factor which encapsulates all splits since the date shown above. The closing price above is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.