

SHANGHAI , July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yum China Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: YUMC and HKEX: 9987, " Yum China " or the "Company") is pleased to announce that KCOFFEE has opened its 200 th store in China [1] , following two new store openings yesterday in Hangzhou East Railway Station and Hangzhou

Learn More 07/01/2024


SHANGHAI , June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yum China Holdings, Inc. (the "Company" or " Yum China ", NYSE: YUMC and HKEX: 9987) and its joint venture partner Lavazza, one of the world's most prominent coffee manufacturers, announced today that they will bring a new partnership between Lavazza and

Learn More 06/17/2024


SHANGHAI , June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yum China Holdings, Inc. (the "Company" or " Yum China ", NYSE: YUMC and HKEX: 9987) today announced that in celebration of Children's Day in China , over 4 million toy set meals have been sold this year as of June 2 .

Learn More 06/03/2024

百勝中國旗下的小肥羊和黃記煌分別迎來了25周年和20周年紀念,並推出了新店型和新店開業 (英文版)

SHANGHAI , May 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yum China's Chinese Dining Business Unit – which includes the Little Sheep and Huang Ji Huang brands – made exciting new progress since the beginning of 2024, with new stores added to its domestic and global portfolio and innovative new store formats

Learn More 05/31/2024


SHANGHAI , April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Joey Wat, Chief Executive Officer of Yum China Holdings, Inc. (the "Company" or " Yum China ", NYSE: YUMC and HKEX: 9987) released her annual letter to stockholders today together with the Company's 2023 Annual Report.

Learn More 04/11/2024


中國上海(2023年4月10日)百勝中國控股有限公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:YUMC 及香港交易所代碼:9987,以下簡稱「百勝中國」或「公司」)發佈了第七份可持續發展報告。該報告展現了公司的可持續發展承諾,並回顧了公司圍繞「環境、食品、人和社區」四個重點領域所取得的可持續發展成果和進展。 2023年可持續發展報告中的亮點包括: 2023年,我們成功打造了國內 首個 100% 綠電冷鏈物流中心 ,並通過開展綠電交易(vPPA)、部署分佈式光伏(DPV)等形式,推動超過70家餐廳和三個物流中心優化其自身能源結構,全年共實現近800萬度可再生能源使用量。此外,百勝中國發起

Learn More 04/10/2024


中國上海(2024年1月19日)— 百勝中國控股有限公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:YUMC 及香港交易所代碼: 9987)(以下簡稱「百勝中國」或「公司」)今日宣布,全球權威的傑出雇主調研機構正式發佈「中國傑出僱主2024」榜單,百勝中國憑藉積極打造多元文化、全面支援員工成長、堅定承諾員工福祉、持續賦能數字創新等一系列可持續的人才發展戰略和實踐再次榮登榜單,在全榜150多家獲獎企業中總排名第四,居餐飲行業首位。 百勝中國首席執行官屈翠容說:「連續六年被評為中國傑出雇主,這不僅是對我們團隊卓越工作的認可,也證明了我們對員工始終如一的承諾。在我們的成功背後,是『公平、關愛、自豪』的核心理念。

Learn More 01/19/2024